BHO & ActiveX Component Download
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Marco Isobe
2004-01-05 14:03:11 UTC
[Reposting with my MSDN no-spam email address to elicit a
response from Microsoft.]

Is there a way to detect if a component was activated as a nomal ActiveX
control or as a Browser Helper Object (BHO) ?
Currently I have two DLLs, one that is instantiated in my HTML code,
using an OBJECT tag, and another one that is loaded with IE as an BHO.
I need, however, to merge both files in a single DLL, as a way to reduce
component download size.
The first component checks, during IObjectWithSite::SetSite, if it was
downloaded from our website and, if it wasnŽt, it warns our users, to
prevent it being used in another site, since it is part of a fraud detection
The other one canŽt do this check, since it is loaded with IE. During
IObjectWithSite::SetSite I register it as an IE event sink, because it will
monitor browser activity, looking for fraudulent sites.
So, I need to know, in SetSite, if the component is beeing instantiated
as a part of our site or as a BHO.

Tian Min Huang
2004-01-06 12:25:59 UTC
Hello Marco,

Thank you for posting MS newgroup. I am finding resource to assist you on
this issue and will update you as soon as posible.


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Shahinur Rahman
2004-01-08 21:56:27 UTC
Hi Marco,
I don't believe BHO's look for IOleObject::SetClientSite. They might be
site-ed differently.
It may be that IE prefers IOleObject::SetClientSite for ActiveX controls
and IObjectWithSite::SetSite
for BHOs.

Shahinur Rahman, Microsoft.

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